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Frank earned his Bachelor of Architecture degree from University of Cincinnati and his Master of Architecture from Yale University. His work has been published internationally, and has been the subject of several major architectural exhibitions, including “The Un-Private House” and “Cut ’n’ Paste : From Architectural Assemblage to Collage City” both at the Museum of Modern Art.  


An accomplished artist, his drawings have recently been accepted into the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art. In 2010 his paintings were exhibited in the “Cause and Affection Show” at the Lift Truck Project in Croton Falls, The Lorimer Gallery in Hudson, New York, the 18th Annual Bowery Gallery Exhibition in Manhattan, curated by the artist Rackstraw Downes, and was exhibited at the 1985 Venice

He is a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects and has served as President of the Architectural League from 1998-2002 and as a National Design Peer for the GSA’s Design Excellence in the Arts Program. He was selected as a Loeb Fellow Finalist in 2011 for his commitment to infrastructural reclamation.  Frank is a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects



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